Don't ask me HOW Travo, because I don't even believe it myself, but from the time you left until 12:30AM, I fought my way through LEGIONS of Engineers, Loaders, BAD-ASS WAR Loaders, Constructors and, yes, even BAD-ASS Constructors... to make it through the Hyperion Circle of Slaughter ! ! !
I sniped, I run-and-gunned, I grenaded and held my position with two flanking Turrets. I hid in corners, ducked behind walls and metal fences...
**Officially now known as MY BITCHES!**
I even survived when the ENTIRE ARENA grew CEILING MOUNTED AUTO-TURRETS and had me pinned in a corner!
People say the Sniper Battle with The End is one of the most INTENSE gaming experiences they've ever had...
I guess it was me holding you back...

travo said:You survived?! Congrats!!!
I guess it was me holding you back...
Nooo... You can be my wingman any day!
...or I'll be yours! Try it on your own once or twice, just to see how incredibly intense it is, but if you want me to join you, just let me know!
It was quite literally THE BEST First Person Shooter experience I have EVER had! I'd do it again, happily!
travo said:Archie, is your name Micheal Castro? If so, someone thanked you in the Borderlands 2 credits.
Not our Archie, but he's such a grateful gamer, I can see Developers just thanking him out of the blue for being so kind and appreciative of the games he plays!
I didn't have the heart to tell you, Travo, but while waiting to play the game with you yesterday, I kinda, sorta, finished it by myself...
I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want to NOT finish your game with you. We were having such fun, I couldn't picture NOT seeing the end with you too!
You probably could have guessed that, if you didn't already, considering the Face I was wearing when we were playing in the Arena last night!
** Is that why you were shooting at me? **
Now I shall type random, meaningless words in an effort to push what I am about to post down far enough so it will not be displayed on the front page! This should be enough, I think, right? OK then:
Jack is SUCH a douche-bag and most people are sooooo eager to KILL him that players make the same (wrong?) CHOICE at the End again and again! Once the shield lowers (after The Warrior is blasted by the Moon Shot) everyone FINISHES Jack (in his already weakened state) immediately! Turns out, Jack gives a whole huge Speech, praising himself as the Hero of Pandora and accusing you of being a cold hearted-child-killing Bandit --IF-- you let him! If you decide to let him finish, Lilith gives you the option of Killing him Yourself, or letting Her do It (For Roland)! If you let HER do it, you get an Achievement! I figured Travo was a bit more level-headed than me and he would allow Jack to speak... but as the Shield lowered **BLAM!** before I could make a move... well, you know the rest now! !

Now that I think about it, I may have to change my review score!
I JUST realized a HUGE, GAPING, UNFORGIVABLE, TREMENDOUS, CARELESS ---PLOT-HOLE--- that has left me with more questions than answers and an EMPTY HOLE in my HEART!
WHAT THE ----HELL---- happened to BUTT STALLION ? ! ?
I have to know! I --HAVE TO-- KNOW ! ! !
I hereby change my review score to a 4.5 unless Gearbox announces that Borderlands 3 will be sub-titled The Revenge of Butt Stallion!
So there!
God I gotta get this soon it's killing me.
Did any of you guys try the DLC class Mecromancer? That looks awesome as hell to play. (Most of them look really fun)
What classes did you two play?
Yes, I pre-ordered and got the Premiere Club with it, entitling me to a Golden Key, The Creature Slaughter Dome and The Mechromancer, Gaige, for free!
I haven't played as her too much yet, though I HAVE started a new character with her, but from what I heard you can either make her the most Beginner Friendly character to play as --OR-- the most Challenging! She sounds VERY cool because she has a Robot side-kick as her Action Skill... Now HE is BAD-ASS! Send him out and he'll literally beat the crap out of the enemies around him with melee attacks, or shoot them from a distance with his eye-laser! I liked the idea of him even more when I read there is a skill where you can shoot him with an Elemental Gun and he'll take on that Elemental attribute when fighting enemies! COOL!
** Read my review, if you haven't done so already! As if you aren't hyped enough! **
I played as the Commando, Axton, in my first (of soon to be many) playthru(s)!
phantom_leo said:travo said:Archie, is your name Micheal Castro? If so, someone thanked you in the Borderlands 2 credits.
Not our Archie, but he's such a grateful gamer, I can see Developers just thanking him out of the blue for being so kind and appreciative of the games he plays!